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Proposals management
2022-04-13 15:20
EAST users should submit proposals through the experimental proposal management system: The selection and management process is as follows:
Proposals selection and management process
(1)Users should submit the proposals before deadline.
(2)EAST Physics Groups will firstly review and select the proposals, giving the numbers of proposals and experimental sessions needed for each Group.
(3)Division of EAST Physics and Experimental Operations will finally review all the proposals from each group, make final decisions for campaign schedules/sessions.
(4)One who submits the proposal (Proposer) should organize internal discussions and presents executable experimental plan for the proposal.
(5)Session leader will organize the experiment for the Proposers during each session.
(6)If a proposal is executed, Coordinators of EAST Physics Groups will confirm the proposals execution in the proposal system. Proposers will receive Emails by the system, to fill in the Proposal Summary and Satisfaction Questionnaire.
(7)Publications related to the proposal should be uploaded in the system.