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Regulations on visiting EAST
2021-02-24 15:38
The following regulations are formulated for the purpose of managing the visitors and maintaining the order of the EAST.
1、EAST are open to group visits only.
2、EAST are open from Monday to Friday. During experimenting, commissioning, and holidays, EAST are closed for visiting.
3、Visiting group must make an appointment three working days in advance (0551-65592692). An official letter is also required. This article is not appliable to Units from Hefei Institutes of Physical Sciences, CAS.
4、The visiting group shall arrive at the agreed time. Being late for more than half an hour will be regarded as giving up the visit.
5、For safety concern, visiting group shall follow the staff and visit the designated area only. Any disturbance to scientific research in EAST will have to leave the area immediately.
6、If visitors were brought by staff for non-official visits, registration at EAST Comprehensive Management Team is also required (0551- 65593253).
7、The regulations are not appliable to official receptions in ASIPP.
8、The regulations shall come into force as of the date of issuance.
Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS
July 15th, 2019